A Footballer’s Guide to “Core Training”
Julia Eyre Julia Eyre

A Footballer’s Guide to “Core Training”

This article explores the variety of options possible to footballers to enhance core training beyond traditional plank holds. Soccer's dynamic demands call for more comprehensive core strengthening. By diversifying core workouts, athletes can fortify the muscles vital for precise ball control, powerful kicks, limb coordination, body tension, and agility on the field.

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PAIN 101: An introduction to the biopsychosocial model
Julia Eyre Julia Eyre

PAIN 101: An introduction to the biopsychosocial model

Pain is multidimensional: biological, psychological, and social. We have experiences on each of these levels, pain on each of these levels, and need appropriate treatment that touches on each of these levels- Let’s explore the role of social connection, structural damage, and psychological well-being on pain perception.

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Spielstarke Saison: Mit diesen 3 Schlüsseln zum erfolgreichen Krafttraining für Fußball
Julia Eyre Julia Eyre

Spielstarke Saison: Mit diesen 3 Schlüsseln zum erfolgreichen Krafttraining für Fußball

Optimiere Leistung mit gezieltem Training: Entdecke die Erfolgsfaktoren für effektives Krafttraining während der Fußballsaison. Lerne, wie du Ermüdung kontrollierst, Übungsabfolgen optimierst und die richtigen Übungen zur Erhaltung von Kraft während der intensiven Saison auswählst. Hole dir Expertentipps zur richtigen Timing, Reihenfolge und Auswahl, um die körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit und Ergebnisse auf dem Platz zu maximieren.

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Hitzewelle: 5 Tipps für sicheres und effektives Training im Sommer
Julia Eyre Julia Eyre

Hitzewelle: 5 Tipps für sicheres und effektives Training im Sommer

Hier haben wir praktische Ratschläge für das Training bei Hitze dargelegt: Von der Wahl der richtigen Trainingszeiten und Kleidung über die Bedeutung der Flüssigkeitsaufnahme bis zur Wichtigkeit, auf den Körper zu hören. Gesundheit hat Priorität, um langfristige Leistung und Wohlbefinden zu gewährleisten.

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Pre-Season Conditioning: Big Yes or Big No?
Julia Eyre Julia Eyre

Pre-Season Conditioning: Big Yes or Big No?

Sprinting? Max Velocity? Conditioning? Why is my team so slow? Here are your answers: how can we differentiate between speed and conditioning and train BOTH during pre-season for best results?

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Belastungssteuerung für normale Menschen
Julia Eyre Julia Eyre

Belastungssteuerung für normale Menschen

Erfahre, wie du das wichtige Gleichgewicht zwischen Belastung und Erholung erreichst. Tauche ein in die Welt der externen und internen Belastung und lerne, wann du antreiben und wann du regenerieren solltest - ohne Technologie.

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Proactive Neck Training For Footballers
Julia Eyre Julia Eyre

Proactive Neck Training For Footballers

Soccer is a contact sport, and neck strength can not only improve performance in movement like headers, but significantly lower head and neck injury risk and severity. Let’s work proactively against concussions by building a stronger support system.

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3 Considerations For Effective Sprint Warm-Ups
Julia Eyre Julia Eyre

3 Considerations For Effective Sprint Warm-Ups

Too little time, but so much to do! This is the motto of strength coaches around the world. How can we condense a speed session to still get quality work in with less than 20min time? Let’s break down the sprint warmup together here.

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How to develop explosive goalkeepers
Julia Eyre Julia Eyre

How to develop explosive goalkeepers

Let’s discuss maximal strength, power, speed, and conditioning training for the positional demands of a goalkeeper (aka: let’s get strong, fast, and powerful on and off the line!).

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The 3-level pain scale: managing pain quickly in training & competition
Julia Eyre Julia Eyre

The 3-level pain scale: managing pain quickly in training & competition

Because pain itself is an output (reaction) of the nervous system and not an input, it is not a sign that something is immediately wrong or that injury has already occurred. Rather, pain is a threat-alarm system of sorts, signaling that something feels off, and something may be wrong… but not yet. Let’s dive into these three layers of quantifying and qualifying pain!

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3 tips for building your injury-resistant armor
Julia Eyre Julia Eyre

3 tips for building your injury-resistant armor

Instead of focusing on rehab and damage control when athletes are injured, we need to get better at foreseeing and correcting problems before they can even crop up. There are three main contributing areas that require respect and extra awareness from coaches and athletes: feet/ankles, knees, and hips.

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